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high-waisted plaid skirt

January 4, 2010

My ‘new’ machine and I are slowly getting to know each other and this is the first (presentable) thing I’ve sewn on it:

:::::::It was inspired by this skirt here, so I can’t take credit for the design:
The fabric is a gorgeous washed wool plaid that I bought on a whim and I thought it was just right for this project. Sewing it up was a nightmare actually. Somehow the bobbin thread I used is a tiny bit thinner than the one that was in the machine to begin with and I never really got the tension right, so lots of seamripping and trying and swearing. Having done everything except the straps I found out I needed to put in a zipper to get the thing on…more seamripping. I did finally finish it though it took me nearly the whole day.
But treadling? I LOVE it! Once you get the rhythm it’s a lot of fun actually. Only problem is I get so caught up in treadling that I forget to watch where my seam is going! I’m the world’s worst multitasker ;)

2 Comments leave one →
  1. February 3, 2010 6:03 pm

    Thanks for your comment on my blog :)
    Nice to “meet” you here, love this skirt!
    Hope you are having a good day.

    • tidytipsy permalink*
      February 3, 2010 7:54 pm

      Thanks Abby! I had a great day actually, hope you do too!
      I have another skirt in the works that will be very similar, but more ‘fifties’-themed which hope to finish and post this weekend :)

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